Exporting multiple sheets to .pdf via VBA code

I have seen this question but it doesn't quite answer my question - excel vba not exporting pagesetup to pdf correctly I have the same problem of the specified ranges in each sheet not being exported when utilising code to create the .pdf output. Everything on each sheet is exported so each worksheet is spread across two or more pages. The print ranges for each sheet are set up to print the specified area onto one sheet. I have tried to adapt the code in the link but it doesn't seem to work with multiple sheets. The code I am attempting to use in its unadapted form

Sub ClientPDFOutput() If Sheets("File Data").Range("FD_FileName") = "" Then ' MsgBox ("Save the file before exporting to a .pdf fomrat"), vbInformation, "Save File" ' Exit Sub Else End If ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:=strPassword Range("UI_Status") = "Creating client PDF output - Please wait" SelectSheets Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets(arrSheets).Select strFilename = "Test" Selection.ExportAsFixedFormat _ Type:=xlTypePDF, _ filename:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & strFilename & ".pdf", _ Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _ IncludeDocProperties:=True, _ IgnorePrintAreas:=True, _ OpenAfterPublish:=False Sheets("User Input").Select Range("UI_Status") = "Client .pdf output created and saved" ActiveSheet.Protect Password:=strPassword Application.ScreenUpdating = True MsgBox ("The client output in .pdf format has been created and saved"), vbInformation, ".pdf Created" End Sub 
Sub SelectSheets() Dim rngSheets As Range Set rngSheets = Sheets("File Data").Range("D_OutputSheets") If rngSheets.Count = 1 Then arrSheets = rngSheets.Value2 Else arrSheets = Application.Transpose(rngSheets.Value2) End If End Sub 

After a bit more experimenting I established that my print ranges on each of the pages was off so corrected these. I added code to select the print range of each sheet before all being selected as part of the sheet array, but the print range in the first sheet of the array is being duplicated across all sheets. So if the range in sheet 1 is B4:P61 and sheet 2 print range is B4:M48, sheet 2 is having B4:P61 selected when the array of sheets is selected. This prints out the selected ranges which is correct for sheet 1 but wrong for the rest of the sheets. When I do this manually by selecting all the sheets, File, Export then all the sheets print ranges are exported so why when this is recorded and put into a routine it is being ignored?